Week 22: I Love Singing


– Canada Pranati Janai
– Canada, Bishwa Shantir Dak Diyecho
– I Thank You, Canada
– Canada Deha Taba Bishalata Hiya Taba

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the link below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Canada Pranati Janai

Canada, Canada, pranati janai pranati janai
Tomar prasun hriday gabhire mor bon bhai
Subishal abhaya nahi hetha kalarab
Tomar nayane tomar anane ashanti nai
Maha ajanar sudha sangite amare harai


Canada, Canada, to you I bow and bow.
In the inmost recesses of your flower-pure heart
I discover my Canadian sisters and brothers.
Supremely vast is your body’s existence-life.
In your vision-eye and on your determination-face
Wild unrest fails to breathe.
I lose myself, my very existence,
Inside the great unknown:
Your Immortality’s Nectar-Song.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘My Aspiration-Heart’s Country-Life-Salutations’ songbook

2. Canada, Bishwa Shantir Dak Diyecho

Canada Canada bishwa shantir dak diyecho
Bishwa jyotir gan geyecho
Sabar age sabar age
Puta hiyar anurage
Nutan asha nutan bhasa
Nutan rabi atma chhabi
Tumi aji more diyecho
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘My Aspiration-Heart’s Country-Life-Salutations’ songbook

3. I Thank You, Canada

I thank you, Canada, I thank!
Because you have shown me your compassion-bank.
I thank you, Canada, I thank!
You are your body’s spacious length.
You are your heart’s precious strength.
You are your soul’s oneness-light.
In you I have my trust-delight.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘My Aspiration-Heart’s Country-Life-Salutations’ songbook

4. Canada Deha Taba Bishalata Hiya Taba

Canada deha taba bishalata
Hiya taba madhurata
Shantir bani ditecho dharare
Nijhare nehari sabar majhare
Tumi je amar hiyar pakhir simahin nirabata
Bhitare bahire swarga dhamer madhumoy saphalata
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘My Aspiration-Heart’s Country-Life-Salutations’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre