Video #173: Day 48 of 3100-mile race: Ashprihanal Finish

Welcome to the 48th day of 23rd Annual Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race. Called ‘The Mount Everest of ultramarathons’ by The New York Times, this is the longest certified footrace in the world. 

Ashprihanal completed the race in 47 days, 1 hour, and 39 minutes.  An average of 65.864 miles a day (105.998 km).  That is the 36th best performance in the history of the race out of 156 performances.  And he is still on top of the board of the 43 runners. In 2015 he won the 19th Annual Self-Transcendence Race in 40 days+09:06:21, taking 23 hours,10 minutes off the record held by German legend Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk. Ashprihanal averaged 76.776 miles per day (123.559 km).

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Video #116: Start of 10-Day Race (New York – April 17, 2018)

The Twenty-Third Annual Sri Chinmoy Ten-Day Race started on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 12:00 noon, EDT. This race is held concurrently with the Twenty-First Annual Sri Chinmoy Six-Day Race which starts on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 12:00 noon, EDT. Both races end on Friday, April 27, 2018 at 12 noon, EDT. The races were previously called The Self-Transcendence Six and Ten-Day Races. Both races are invitational races and entry is based upon the race director’s discretion.

These races feature an international field of runners who come to test their endurance, skill with pacing, and ability to recover from the stress of constantly moving. The competitors run with minimal sleep, all the while trying to accumulate as many miles as possible.

The course is a very flat, scenic, 1k loop in a pleasant park setting near the famous areas of the World’s Fair of 1964 and close to the USTA facility, home of the US Open. There are many patches of green and trees, as well as close proximity to Meadow Lake. Temperatures in April in New York generally vary between 11ºC and 21ºC with extremes at 1ºC and 32ºC. In other words, plan for any conceivable weather condition, including rain and windy conditions.

  • To view the list of runners for the 2018 6/10 Day Races please click here.
  • For great photos from the race please click here and here from Pranjal.
  • Don’t miss the daily blog Perfection Journey by Utpal.

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