Video #86: Sri Chinmoy Swim/Run Trio (Lake Welch, Harriman State Park, NY – September 10, 2017)

The Sri Chinmoy 1K Sprint Swim is one event that is part of the larger Sri Chinmoy Swim/Run Trio. This short swim takes place in Lake Welch at Harriman State Park.

The Sri Chinmoy Swim/Run Trio at Harriman State Park in upstate New York consists of three races staged simultaneously on Sunday, September 10th 2017: Swim-Run Aquathlon: 1km swim and 10 km run. Participants can race as individuals or as part of a relay team 10K road race, 1K open-water swim race.

The 10 km run and 1 km swim are staged on the same course as the Swim-Run Aquathlon. The swim takes place in beautiful Lake Welch; the run is through the forest and follows the shores of Lake Welch.

To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:

Video #84: 30th Sri Chinmoy Marathon Swim Lake Zurich 2017

On August 6, 2017, the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team held its 30th Marathon Swim on Lake Zurich, covering a distance of 26 km. The winner in the main solo category among the men was Paul Eugen Dorin Georgescu of Romania with a time of 7:11:37 h; the fastest woman in the main solo category was Jenny Zwijnen (GB) with 7:44:52 h.

You can find all the results as well as a photo gallery here

To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: