Video #129: Peace Run Eastern Canada 2018 (July 19 – August 7)

The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is a global torch relay dedicated to the simple idea that world peace begins within the heart of each individual. Founded in 1987 by Sri Chinmoy, the Peace Run has covered over 395,000 miles (632,000 km) in over 150 nations and has touched the lives of millions.

This year North American Peace Run 2018 was launched on Sunday, April 15th and finished on Wednesday, August 15th in NY. Runners were carrying the torch 11.000-mile through USA, Mexico and Canada on a 4-month journey.

Please enjoy the 4 minutes Peace Run video of Eastern part of Canada.

To find out more, visit the official website:

Video #77: Peace Run Canada 2017 – Messages of Peace in Ottawa on Canada Day

This year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run. The Peace Run Canada Team passed the torch and ask people to make their own special wish or prayer for peace. In 2018 the Peace Run team will carry the torch 17,000 kilometers around North America running through Canada, The United States and Mexico.

To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: