Video #189: The 24rd Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100-Mile Race (Salzburg, Austria – Sep. 13 to Nov. 3, 2020)

From September 13 to November 3, the 24rd Annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race took place in a new location, in Salzburg, Austria. We made a number of modifications to strictly adhere to local health standards. This is the longest certified footrace in the world. It attracts athletes from around the world who want to test themselves against this daunting distance, transcend their own previous capacity, and participate in a great adventure. Along the way, they may also set new world records and gain spiritual insights.

Athletes are able to test themselves in a format, unlike any other ultra-marathon event. In order to meet their goal of 3100 miles in 52 days, they must log an average of 59.6 miles per day. The runners begin at 6 a.m. and run for extended periods throughout the day, taking breaks as needed. If they want to, they can continue as late as 12 midnight when the course closes for the night.

Here are the links

For more information about sports events, visit the official website:
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Video #187: Peace Run Podcast #3 – Bali

Suhasini, our Peace Run Director in Bali, and Pragati speak about their experiences with the Peace Run in Bali. In 2019 we began and finished our Southern Hemisphere Peace Run in Bali. For the first time ever the torch traveled around the globe visiting 44 countries in the Southern Hemisphere. Click here to watch the video of the event.

To find out more, visit the official website:

Video #184: The Garden of Light 20th Anniversary

We celebrated The Garden of Light’s 20th anniversary November 21st 2019, in our new location at 1111 Bank Street in Old Ottawa South. We were delighted to host so many of you from the community and share music, inspiration, chai tea, essential oil blends and great conversation! We look forward to welcoming you all back soon to our special paradise: The Garden of Light.

Slideshow and photography by Prabhakar

To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:

Video #183: Interview: Utsahi’s meditation experience (Ottawa – March 21, 2020)

Utsahi St-Amand mentions his first meditation moments when he had just turned 40 (Moncton, New-Brunswick), his appreciation for the Halifax Centre, where he belonged until coming to Ottawa in 1990, his first encounter with Sri Chinmoy, then his many subsequent visits to New York. Throughout this interview, he relates how his experiences with Sri Chinmoy changed him, in his Master’s words, from a professor to “a student of the heart”. He also shares the double experience of the physical presence of the Master, both in Ottawa and New York, and then the after October 2007: the new presence of his Master. He adds some comments about The Garden of Light, which he owns and the meditation classes, which he offers with Prabhakar. He describes the period we are going through as follows: «Times of uncertainty are times of opportunity”.

To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:

Video #181: 827 children sing peace songs by Sri Chinmoy (Pécs, Hungary – October 21, 2019)

On October 21, 2019, 827 children (between 7-19 years old) from 23 schools in Pécs and the surrounding area sang at the famous Kodály Center – one of the best music halls in Hungary – 15 peace songs in Bengali and English by Sri Chinmoy, accompanied by the ensemble “Mountain-Silence” in honor of the United Nations International Day of Peace. At the end all the children – the whole audience – gave a standing ovation, clapping and thrumming enthusiastically. As an “encore” the children sang two songs once more with great joy and enthusiasm.

The next big project will be a similar group of children but coming from many places around the world. The event is planned for the 30th of October 2020 in Győr. If you have ideas to realize this event or want to participate please contact: [email protected].

To find out more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit the official website:

Video #177: Palermo Peace Week (November 8-17, 2019)

This video documents a remarkable week long event celebrating peace in Palermo. An initiative involving Mayor Leoluca Orlando and the city of Palermo hosting 10 exhibitions of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artwork along with numerous Peace Run events, concerts and seminars. The event culminated with a parade through the city of a 160 m long canvas of children’s artwork dedicated to Peace.