Week 37: I Love Singing


– God Does Not Take Any Intermission
– God Gives Surrender-Lessons
– God Is Not Disturbed
– God Loves to Examine My Life

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. God Does Not Take Any Intermission

God does not take any intermission
From His Heaven-Day
And earth-night performances.
I must do the same to prove
That I am His beloved child.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

2. God Gives Surrender-Lessons

God gives surrender-lessons
Only to the first-class seekers.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

3. God Is Not Disturbed

God is not disturbed by His age.
So should I be?
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

4. God Loves to Examine My Life

God loves to examine my life.
God’s Eye loves to embrace my heart.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2021 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 36: I Love Singing


– A God-Devotion-Teardrop
– At the End of God’s Day
– At the End of My Day
– Every Morning I Weave
– Finally, My Lord Has Removed

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. A God-Devotion-Teardrop

A God-devotion-teardrop
Is what I need every day.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

2. At the End of God’s Day

At the end of God’s Day,
God’s Promises fly and fly
In ecstasy-sky.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

3. At the End of My Day

At the end of my day,
My hopes sigh and sigh
In bitter disappointment.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

4. Every Morning I Weave

Every morning I weave
A rainbow-garland
With my heart-beauty
And my soul-fragrance
And then I place it
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook

5. Finally, My Lord Has Removed

Finally, my Lord has removed
His world-complaint-acceptance-box.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘A God-Devotion-Teardrop’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2021 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 35: I Love Singing


– Abhinaba Tomar Mago
– Bishwa Jaha Dite Pare Uchchha Ta Je Ati
– Ogo Amar Maner Baner Nil Pakhi #1
– Sab Chaowa Mor Shesh

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Abhinaba Tomar Mago

Abhinaba tomar mago dibya jiban khela
Baran karuk phullaprane amar jiban bhela


Beauty unparalleled
Is Your cosmic Game,
O Mother Divine.
How I wish my life to accept it.
How I wish my life-boat
To accept Your Life Divine,
Your cosmic Game,
And how I wish it to sail
In the sea of Your Eternity’s cosmic Game.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Pole-Star Promise-Light, Part 2’ songbook

2. Bishwa Jaha Dite Pare Uchchha Ta Je Ati

Bishwa jaha dite pare uchchha ta je ati
Swarup shudhu jante chahi haye martya pathi


What the world can give
Is absolutely meaningless,
Is absolutely useless.
What I want from my life
Is my self-form,
And for that I have to become
A traveller, an eternal traveller,
Walking along the path of Eternity.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Pole-Star Promise-Light, Part 2’ songbook

3. Ogo Amar Maner Baner Nil Pakhi #1

Ogo amar maner baner nil pakhi
Nayan mudi nitya tomar rup anki
Simar majhe drishti tomar asim lagi kande
Spriha tomar swarge martye alor setu bandhe
Jatra sheshe pabo tomar purna parichoy
Sedin habe tomar amar apurba bijoy


O blue bird of my mind-forest,
I close my eyes and draw your beauty.
Inside the finite
Your vision cries for the Infinite.
Your aspiration builds a bridge
Between earth and Heaven.
At the end of my life’s journey
I shall know who you truly are
And at that time
Your Victory and my victory,
Our joint victory,
Will have no parallel.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Swadeshe Bideshe Ghuriya Berai’ songbook

4. Sab Chaowa Mor Shesh

Sab chaowa mor shesh karogo shesh karo
Khudra prane gyan diye mor hath dharo


O, put an end to all my desires,
Put an end to all my desires.
This little heart of mine
Make wide.
O, hold my hands
And make me vast and infinite.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Pole-Star Promise-Light, Part 2’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2021 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 34: I Love Singing


– Keep Your Mind as Fresh as Dew
– My Lord, May My Life Begin Every Day
– Bhalo Lage Nutan Asha
– Shikkha Guru

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Keep Your Mind as Fresh as Dew

Keep your mind
As fresh as dew.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘No Problem, I Am My Gorgeous Smile’ songbook

2. My Lord, May My Life Begin Every Day

My Lord, may my life begin every day
With an aspiration-song
And a dedication-dance.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Greet the Morning With Your Heart’s Aspiration-Cry’ songbook

3. Bhalo Lage Nutan Asha

Bhalo lage nutan asha
I love my new hope.
Bhalo lage oishi bhasha
I love my Heaven-Message.
Bhalo lage nutan swapan
I love my new dream.
Bhalo lage dibya jiban
I love my spiritual life.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Swadeshe Bideshe Ghuriya Berai’ songbook

4. Shikkha Guru

Shikkha Guru dikkha Guru
Nutan jiban halo suru
Shikkha Guru dikkha Guru
Habona ar kabhu viru
Paye dale agyanata
Tomai dibo saphalata


O my teacher-Guru, O my initiation-Guru,
A new life has dawned.
O my teacher-Guru, O my initiation-Guru,
I shall no longer make friends with cowardice.
I shall kick off ignorance-night
And offer you my success-life.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Bela Chale Jai’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2021 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 33: I Love Singing


– Nutan Barashe Nutan Ahana
– In the New Year, a New Dawn
– New Year Comes; Old Year Goes
– Smiling, the Breath of the New Year

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Nutan Barashe Nutan Ahana

Nutan bharashe nutan ahana
Hat chhani diye dakiche

In the New Year, a new dawn
Is beckoning me.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘In the New Year, a New Dawn’ songbook

2. In the New Year, a New Dawn

In the New Year, a new dawn
Is beckoning me.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘In the New Year, a New Dawn’ songbook

3. New Year Comes; Old Year Goes

New year comes; old year goes.
Hope-promise-river flows.
Progress-delight certain!
I shall be the bliss-fountain.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Enthusiasm, Part 5’ songbook

4. Smiling, the Breath of the New Year

Smiling, the breath of the New Year
Has just entered into my heart
And has given me three spiritual names:
Excitement, enlightenment and fulfilment.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Enthusiasm, Part 7’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 32: I Love Singing


– Yule Days Arrive
– Ami Shishu Ami Shishu

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Yule Days Arrive

Yule days arrive
To make me a child-heart,
Like the child of Mary.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘God’s Perfection-Choice’ songbook

2. Ami Shishu Ami Shishu

Ami shishu ami shishu
Ami chira shishu
Meri kole dhara buke
Jatha chhila Jishu


I am a child.
I am a child, an eternal child,
Like Jesus on the lap
Of Mary on earth.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Jesus the Seeker, Christ the Saviour’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 31: I Love Singing


– Sleeplessly and Breathlessly
– Asha Pakhi Sathe Ami
– Ashar Mita
– If You Are Born in the Sea of Hope
– A New Life

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Sleeplessly and Breathlessly

Sleeplessly and breathlessly
My heart is fond of
Beautiful hope-blossoms.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Song-Flowers, Part 6’ songbook

2. Asha Pakhi Sathe Ami

Asha pakhi sathe ami
Hiyar nabhe uri


With the hope-bird
In my heart-sky I fly.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Soul-Birds, Part 1’ songbook

3. Ashar Mita

Ashar mita trishar pita
Tomar charan tale
Harabo mor dibanishi
Samarpaner bale


O Friend of my hope,
O Father of my aspiration-thirst,
At Your Feet I shall lose
My days and nights
With my surrender-strength.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Bela Chale Jai’ songbook

4. If You Are Born in the Sea of Hope

If you are born
In the sea of hope,
You can fly
In the sky of promise.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Aspiration-Plants, Part 3’ songbook

5. A New Life

A new life has just begun.
I am my hope-flooded sun.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘New York Groups’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 30: I Love Singing


– My Mind Visits Inspiration-Village
– Imagination, Inspiration, Aspiration
– Kalpana Nahe Nahe Je Chhalana
– Zephyr: Gentle Breeze

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. My Mind Visits Inspiration-Village

My mind visits inspiration-village every day.
My heart visits aspiration-home every day.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘My Gratitude-Flowers for the United Nations’ songbook

2. Imagination, Inspiration, Aspiration

Imagination, inspiration, aspiration
—Come, come!
Bring me Compassion boundless
From my Lord Supreme.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘I Long to Quench my Heart Thirst’ songbook

3. Kalpana Nahe Nahe Je Chhalana

Kalpana nahe nahe je chhalana
hridaye jagiche premer prerana
Ati kache aj swarga eshana


No imagination, no deception!
In my heart I see the awakening
Of God-love-inspiration.
For me, before me, aspiration-Heaven
Has descended today.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘The Songs of God-Souls’ songbook

4. Zephyr: Gentle Breeze

Zephyr, zephyr: gentle breeze, gentle breeze.
Zephyrs are blowing.
My heart is all inspiration.
My boat is reaching the Golden Shore.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Come, my Non-English Friends! Let us Together Climb up the English Himalayas, Part 2’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 29: I Love Singing


– My Lord’s Nectar-Delight
– Tomar Pijush Pariche Jhariya
– Janani Lakshmi Janani Lakshmi Janani..
– Joy Ma… Tumi Ma Lakshmi Tumi
– Sring Lakshmi.. Dao More Taba Kripa

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. My Lord’s Nectar-Delight

My Lord’s Nectar-Delight is not far away,
If I eat not my mind-mud and vital-clay.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘An Immediate ‘Yes’ to God’s every Command’ songbook

2. Tomar Pijush Pariche Jhariya

Tomar pijush pariche jhariya
Nehari se shobha pulaka bhariya
Dhanya jibana tomai smariya
Raho raho more ajike dhariya


Your Nectar-Delight is constantly pouring
   Into my heart.
My heart and I constantly enjoy
This supernal experience.
My heart and I are blessed
By remembering You constantly.
O, never leave me.
Keep me always in You and for You.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘My Green Adoration-Gifts, Part 2’ songbook

3. Janani Lakshmi Janani Lakshmi Janani..

Janani Lakshmi janani Lakshmi
Janani janani janani
Tomar oishi kanti magiche
Byakul hiyai abani
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘The Songs of God-Souls’ songbook

4. Joy Ma… Tumi Ma Lakshmi Tumi

Joy ma joy ma joy ma joy ma
Tumi ma lakshmi tumi manorama
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘The Songs of God-Souls’ songbook

5. Sring Lakshmi.. Dao More Taba Kripa

Sring Lakshmi Sring Lakshmi Sring Lakshmi Dao More Taba Kripa
– Sri Chinmoy, songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre

Week 28: I Love Singing


– Patience Is Eternity’s Goodness
– My Lord, Give Me Patience-Sea
– Sakaler Sheshe Asibo #1
– Earth Has Shown You Earth’s Patience

Enjoy singing along with the audio recordings. These songs are composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciple Purnakama. Please click the links below to listen to or download the audio and song scores:



1. Patience Is Eternity’s Goodness

Patience is Eternity’s goodness.
Patience is Infinity’s fulness.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Enthusiasm, Part 1’ songbook

2. My Lord, Give Me Patience-Sea

My Lord, give me patience-sea,
Give me.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Soul-Birds, Part 2’ songbook

3. Sakaler Sheshe Asibo #1

Sakaler sheshe asibo
Sakalere bhalo basibo
Dharanir mato kariya jatan
Sabare bakkhe rakhibo


After all have come, I shall come.
After all have loved, I shall love.
Like the compassion and patience-world,
I shall keep humanity’s life
Safe in my heart’s light.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘Supreme, Teach Me How to Surrender’ songbook

4. Earth Has Shown You Earth’s Patience

Earth has shown you
Earth’s patience.
Pass it on.
– Sri Chinmoy, ‘The Golden Shore Will Beckon You’ songbook


For more of Sri Chinmoy’s published songs, visit the official website: www.srichinmoysongs.com
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: www.srichinmoy.org.

© 2020 Sri Chinmoy Centre