Sri Chinmoy speaking about the Peace Run from 1987 and featuring many historic photos from around that period.
To find out more, visit the official website:
Sri Chinmoy speaking about the Peace Run from 1987 and featuring many historic photos from around that period.
To find out more, visit the official website:
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
Devashishu Torpy has been a disciple of Sri Chinmoy since his early childhood. Devashishu recounts an experience of meeting Sri Chinmoy in the middle of London.
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
Every April, students of Sri Chinmoy participate in a 12-hour walk to honour the arrival of their teacher in the West on April 13th, 1964. This 12-hour walk is an opportunity for physical and spiritual self-transcendence.
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
The Jewels of Happiness project is a proud supporter of the International Day of Happiness, which was declared by the United Nations General Assembly.
As part of the celebrations for the inaugural Day of Happiness, the first edition of the audiobook was launched at the United Nations.
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
Students of Sri Chinmoy regularly arrange the music of Sri Chinmoy and share them with the audience in a series of concerts called “Songs of the Soul”. This video offers highlights from a recent concert held in Sliema, Malta in the Teatru Salesjan in January 2016.
The selection of musicians in this video includes: Papaya and Usika on flute and tampura, the “Oneness-Dream” all male choir, “Bloom Ensemble”, an international female group with piano and vocals, “Sangit Desh, an international group that plays world-music arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s songs with Scandinavian and South American influences, as well as “Paree’s International Singers”, performing one of Sri Chinmoy’s songs on Malta.
Filmed and edited by Kedar Misani
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
A short film about the running career of Sri Chinmoy. The video by Utpal Marshal features archive footage of Sri Chinmoy’s running, plus audio extracts from his philosophy of running; there are also short interviews with those who participated in Sri Chinmoy’s running career.
For more information about Sri Chinmoy, his life and multifarious activities, please visit the Sri Chimnoy’s official site.
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: