This video documents a remarkable week long event celebrating peace in Palermo. An initiative involving Mayor Leoluca Orlando and the city of Palermo hosting 10 exhibitions of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artwork along with numerous Peace Run events, concerts and seminars. The event culminated with a parade through the city of a 160 m long canvas of children’s artwork dedicated to Peace.
Tag: Sri Chinmoy races
Video #176: The Sri Chinmoy La Jolla Swim & Run (San Diego – May 19, 2019)
The Sri Chinmoy La Jolla Swim & Run begins with a 1-mile ocean swim from La Jolla Shores Beach followed by either a 5K or a 10K on the flat-packed sand at water’s edge. Participate as either an individual or relay team. Chip timing, finisher’s medals and great refreshments for all. Age-group awards for individuals as well as awards to top relay teams. Sponsored by Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team. Swim course monitored by San Diego City Lifeguards. A fun event in the beautiful San Diego surf and sand!
Here are the links into
- 2019 Swim & Run results
- Photos available here
- Additional race information
- Contact to the race director at [email protected]
To find out more, visit the official website:
Video #175: How Running Can Transform Your Life. Discover who you are with Sanjay Rawal
When we think about running, most of us think of it as a form of physical exercise – something that we do to lose weight, look better or stay healthy. Some of us like to measure how far and how quickly we can run. But running can be so much more than that. What if someone told you that running could be a tool to transform your life? This week, film-maker and inspirational human being, Sanjay Rawal, is here to do just that.
Whilst making his latest film (3100: Run and Become), Sanjay followed the most elite multi-day race in the world – the 3,100-mile race, which takes place on the streets of Queens, New York City each summer. He also followed the Kalahari Bushman and a group of Japanese Monks. What was common amongst all three groups of people was that they performed superhuman feats with the sole goal of spiritual growth. Sanjay talks about their individual journeys and what we can all learn from them.
Through physical exertion, Sanjay believes that we can all understand who we are and connect to something bigger than ourselves. We discuss how modern life presents many obstacles for us, but Sanjay explains how we can all achieve self-expansion, whether we are running or simply walking down the road. This is an incredible conversation – I think you will really enjoy it.
Find out more about 3100 Film:
- Website:
- Instagram:…
- Facebook:
- Manchester screening of 3100 film, 1st Nov 2019:…
- 3100, Run and Become via Amazon:
Articles: BBC – Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence:
- The 3,100-mile race around a New York block
- Outside Online – This Film Gets Deep into the Spirituality of Running…
Find out more about Sanjay:
- About:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:…
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
Video #173: Day 48 of 3100-mile race: Ashprihanal Finish
Welcome to the 48th day of 23rd Annual Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race. Called ‘The Mount Everest of ultramarathons’ by The New York Times, this is the longest certified footrace in the world.
Ashprihanal completed the race in 47 days, 1 hour, and 39 minutes. An average of 65.864 miles a day (105.998 km). That is the 36th best performance in the history of the race out of 156 performances. And he is still on top of the board of the 43 runners. In 2015 he won the 19th Annual Self-Transcendence Race in 40 days+09:06:21, taking 23 hours,10 minutes off the record held by German legend Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk. Ashprihanal averaged 76.776 miles per day (123.559 km).
Here are the links into
- 2019 runner list/bios
- The race scoreboard
- Latest updates from Utpal’s blog
- Photos available here
To find out more, visit the official website:
Video #172: Sri Chinmoy 7&13-Hour Race (Magnuson Park, Seattle – May 18, 2019)
Two timed races that will challenge your physical and mental endurance and stamina. The loop course is on mixed trails through Magnuson Park and along the waterfront of Lake Washington. Timed events offer the runner a steady format to focus on their pacing, running form and mental and physical fortitude. Plus you get to see your friends throughout the race!
- For photos from the race please click here
To find out more, visit the official website:
Video #169: Plant a Tree for World-Harmony
International Mother Earth Day is celebrated to remind each of us that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and sustenance. The United Nations General Assembly, noting that Earth Day is observed each year in many countries, decided to designate April 22 as International Mother Earth Day through resolution A/RES/63/278, adopted in 2009. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day now includes events in more than 193 countries.
Sri Chinmoy Centre has several projects that are directly supportive of the ideals of these two concerns. They include such tree planting programs with community and school children as, “Plant a Tree for World-Harmony”. In this ceremony the children each help to plant a tree and promise to help take care of it so that it grows, by watering it and protecting it.
With that, an art poster created by Sri Chinmoy with the ”Plant a Tree for World-Harmony” slogan on it is presented to the school to remind the children of their responsibility to help make the earth a better place to live.
Sri Chinmoy had also written many, many poems and aphorisms about trees with the message of love of nature which he had hoped would bring concern for the earth to the forefront of modern-day human awareness.
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
Video #167: Start of 6-Day Race (New York – April 26, 2019)
The Twenty-Second Annual Sri Chinmoy Six-Day Race started on Friday, April 26, 2019 at 12:00 noon, EDT, and will finish on Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 12 noon, EDT.
The course is a very flat, scenic, 1k loop in a pleasant park setting near the famous areas of the World’s Fair of 1964 and close to the USTA facility, home of the US Open. There are many patches of green and trees, as well as close proximity to Meadow Lake. Temperatures in April in New York generally vary between 11ºC and 21ºC with extremes at 1ºC and 32ºC.
- Be sure to visit Perfection-Journey for great videos, photos, stories and interviews.
- See great race photos at Spontaneous Beauty
- To view the list of runners for the 2019 6/10 Day Races please click here.
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
Video #166: Start of 10-Day Race (New York – April 22, 2019)
The Twenty-Fourth Annual Sri Chinmoy Ten-Day Race started on Monday, April 22, 2019 at 12:00 noon, and will finish on Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 12 noon, EDT.
The course is a very flat, scenic, 1k loop in a pleasant park setting near the famous areas of the World’s Fair of 1964 and close to the USTA facility, home of the US Open. There are many patches of green and trees, as well as close proximity to Meadow Lake. Temperatures in April in New York generally vary between 11ºC and 21ºC with extremes at 1ºC and 32ºC.
- Be sure to visit Perfection-Journey for great videos, photos, stories and interviews.
- See great race photos at Spontaneous Beauty
- To view the list of runners for the 2019 6/10 Day Races please click here.
To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:
Video #164: Peace Run Snapping RAI
This video is a 7-minute excerpt of a 15 min TV Show for children made by RAI the Italian National Broadcaster. The video features young people talking about peace and how they can help make the world a more peaceful place. Also, feature is the Peace Run and how it helped motivate these young people to take action.
To find out more, visit the official website:
Video #163: Peace Run San Diego (Chula Vista, National City Schools – March 5-8, 2019)
As part of a region-wide Peace Run, working with the San Diego Unified, Chula Vista Elementary School and National School Districts we visited 10 schools over the course of four days. Meeting over 4000 students we were treated to a remarkable display of the incredible talent and enthusiasm that is to be found in these educational institutions.
To find out more, visit the official website: