The Peace Torch sailed to all 3 coasts of Canada (via the Northwest passage) aboard the C3 ship for 150 days.This video shows the Peace Run team sharing the torch with Canadians and meeting with some of the incredible people who took part in the C3 project, as well as notable Canadians sharing inspirational messages at the culmination of the journey.
On Aug 15, 2017, Abhejali Bernardova, a member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team from Zlin, Czech Republic, completed her 6th Oceans Seven challenge by conquering the North Channel from Donaghadee in Northern Ireland to Portpatrick in Scotland (35km – about the same distance as the English channel) in an excellent time of 10 hours 23:48, assisted by her experienced crew (Catalina, EC, Tsugaru): her sister Jana from London, Scottish team member Dhavala Stott and Jayalata from N.Y. According to the ILDSA (link is external) (Irish Long Distance Swimming Association) it was the fastest crossing of the six solo swims so far of 2017.
The North Channel is widely regarded as one of the hardest sea swims in the world, due to low water temperatures (10-14°C, warmest in August), ubiquitous Lion mane jellyfish that surface with the sun, strong currents and very unpredictable and changeable weather. Abhejali is the first Czech swimmer – male or female – to swim the North Channel, the 17th woman overall and only the 49th person in the world to successfully complete the swim.
Recently, the music group Oneness-Dream offered 31 acapella singing performances of Sri Chinmoy’s music at spiritual locations throughout Tuscany, Italy.
The members of the group are students of Sri Chinmoy and come from several different countries. During the tour, they performed in churches and monasteries in Florence, Sienna and Pisa, and the surrounding Tuscany countryside. The concerts were attended by members of the public and members of the local congregations. Those who attended the concert expressed their appreciation for the uplifting music.
During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy composed many thousands of songs and also offered many Peace Concerts as an offering to seekers. Sri Chinmoy felt music could be a vehicle for bringing the heart to the fore and dissolving the barriers that can exist between people.
The Sri Chinmoy 1K Sprint Swim is one event that is part of the larger Sri Chinmoy Swim/Run Trio. This short swim takes place in Lake Welch at Harriman State Park.
The Sri Chinmoy Swim/Run Trio at Harriman State Park in upstate New York consists of three races staged simultaneously on Sunday, September 10th 2017: Swim-Run Aquathlon: 1km swim and 10 km run. Participants can race as individuals or as part of a relay team 10K road race, 1K open-water swim race.
The 10 km run and 1 km swim are staged on the same course as the Swim-Run Aquathlon. The swim takes place in beautiful Lake Welch; the run is through the forest and follows the shores of Lake Welch.
Stutisheel Lebedev became the first Ukrainian to swim challenging Zurich Lake – 26.4K. His result 9:53:27 was third in his category. During his 7-month swimming training, Stutisheel made several breakthroughs in technique, endurance and sports nutrition. Feel free to be inspired by his detailed report and video.
On August 6, 2017, the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team held its 30th Marathon Swim on Lake Zurich, covering a distance of 26 km. The winner in the main solo category among the men was Paul Eugen Dorin Georgescu of Romania with a time of 7:11:37 h; the fastest woman in the main solo category was Jenny Zwijnen (GB) with 7:44:52 h.
You can find all the results as well as a photo gallery here
In Geneva, several hundred paintings by Sri Chinmoy have been exhibited at the Palais des Nations, United Nations Office. The event was sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in Geneva, with support from the Cultural Diplomacy and Outreach Section of the UN Office at Geneva, in collaboration with the Jharna-Kala Art Foundation.
The Apaguha’s movie/slideshow shows the 48+24 hour running race organized every year in Kladno – Czech Republic by Sri Chinmoy Marathon team. In 2017 this race was also the official Czech Championship for 24 hours. Many international runners come to participate. There were around 120 runners together in both races. Kladno is a great place for this race with good facilities and a good course.
The Enthusiasm-Awakeners singing group sing for about 30 minutes each morning for the 3100-mile runners every morning. Today they celebrated their 10th anniversary of when Sri Chinmoy gave them that name. Parvati is the leader of this group of girls. She has calculated that over the years her group has sung for 44 different runners from 17 countries. Of the 44 runners 9 were women. Ananda-Lahari has been the only runner they have seen every year since they have been coming to sing. She adds that they have learned 1528 songs from of which they routinely sing 227.