Video #162: Lifting Up the World With A Oneness-Heart – 30th Anniversary

World-renowned peace leader and spiritual luminary Sri Chinmoy began a new way of honouring people in 1988 — by lifting them from an honorary platform and offering his prayerful gratitude for their contributions to humanity. He called it Lifting Up the World With a Oneness-Heart.

From 1988 to 2007, Sri Chinmoy honoured more than 8200 different people from all walks of life and many nations in this unique way. Photos and messages from twenty-seven of the most notable luminaries so honoured are included. This lifting award created by Sri Chinmoy had a powerful and deeply moving impact on those so honoured.

To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit:

Video #161: Peace Run Timor Leste 2019 – February 5-8

Timor-Leste once again welcomed the Peace Run in an unparalleled fashion. The First Lady and President of the Parliament participated in the opening ceremony and Xanana Gusmão welcomed us into his home as well as joining us for a 5 km Peace Walk with thousands of young Timorese. We also visited with over 4000 school students in both Dili and the Ermera region.

To find out more, visit the official website:

Video #158: Peace Run Sudaji, Bali – January 25, 2019

This event in northern Bali marked the beginning of our round the world journey with the Peace Torch. We will visit five continents and all 44 countries in the southern hemisphere. Sudaji was an amazing place to begin with the lighting of a sacred flame that will encircle the globe. Special thanks to Zanzan, Putu and their family for their instrumental work in creating this event.

To find out more, visit the official website:

Video #153: Joana Schenker receives the Torch-Bearer Award (Albufeira​, Portugal – December 29, 2018)

Joana Schenker is a professional bodyboarder. Dominating the Portuguese National and European Tour since 2014, she won both titles for 4 years in a row. In her second season competing on the APB world tour, Joana wins the World Title,and makes history by becoming Portugal´s first professional World Champion in wave riding sports. 2017 was the perfect year, National, European and World Bodyboard Champion. The media made Joana not only the new Queen of bodyboarding but also a star in the Portuguese sports scene. 

To find out more, visit the official website:

Video #151: The Impossibility Challenger Trailer (Leiria, Portugal – June 9&10, 2018)

Impossibility Challenger is a record festival that provides a platform and an opportunity for anyone to try and break a world record in any non-Olympic discipline. The records can be athletic, funny, creative or even a bit silly, as long as they are challenging and require some serious training or preparation. The Impossibility Challenger was first organized in Zürich, Switzerland in 1982. Guru visited the event twice in the following years. From 2002 on the Impossibility Challenger took place also in Germany, New Zealand, Hungary and Portugal.

This year the event took place in Leiria, Portugal on June 9&10. The next edition of the Impossibility Challenger will happen in November in the Netherlands.

To find out more, please visit the official website:

Video #149: Peace Run Palau 2018 (Koror Island, Sept. 28 – Rock Islands, Oct. 1)

The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is a global torch relay sharing the simple, profound message that peace starts inside the hearts of each of us. Join the team of 5 runners from Czech Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States brought the Peace Torch to Palau for the first time since the Peace Run was founded in 1987. Meet the President and celebrate Palau’s independence day with this tiny island nation. The Peace Run team visited schools in the state of Koror, organised a public Fun Run and met with community groups.

To find out more, visit the official website: