Video #252: Sri Chinmoy – The Peace Meditation at the UN Offers Condolences on the Passing of Manmohan Singh

Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who played a pivotal role in transforming India into a global economic powerhouse, passed away on December 26, 2024, at the age of 92. Serving as India’s Prime Minister from 2004 to 2014, Dr. Singh is remembered not only for his leadership during a period of sweeping economic reforms but also for his unwavering support of global peace initiatives, including those championed by Sri Chinmoy.

Dr. Singh’s dedication to fostering peace was evident in his Message of 19 August 2004, written on the occasion of Sri Chinmoy’s birthday. In it, he praised Sri Chinmoy’s efforts to promote peace and harmony through spirituality, encouraging his followers to spread this message for the welfare of humanity. The message read:

“A well-known personality, Shri Chinmoy is engaged in promoting peace and harmony in the world through his manifold activities. By harnessing the humanistic aspects of different faiths and focusing on spirituality, people professing diverse creeds can be brought closer together for constructive action. The followers of Chinmoy spread over many countries of the world have to take up the responsibility of spreading this message for happiness and welfare of mankind. I extend my greetings to Shri Chinmoy and wish him health, happiness, and a long life to deepen his contributions.”

On behalf of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations, Nilima conveyed heartfelt condolences to Indian Ambassador Harish Parvathaneni in a letter dated December 27, 2024. The letter expressed gratitude for the Prime Minister’s support of Sri Chinmoy’s peace efforts and recalled a significant moment when Nilima had the opportunity to thank Dr. Singh personally. This encounter, as seen in the above photo, took place in 2013, following Dr. Singh’s address to the UN General Assembly, where his graciousness left a lasting impression.

Reflecting on the late Prime Minister’s legacy, Nilima shared: “Dr. Singh’s kindness and encouragement for Sri Chinmoy’s work for peace touched countless lives. His vision for a harmonious world continues to inspire.”

About: Manmohan Singh was an Indian politician, economist, academician, and bureaucrat who served as the prime minister of India from 2004 to 2014. He was the fourth longest-serving prime minister after Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Narendra Modi.

To find out more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit the official website:

Video #83: Art Exhibit at the UN in Geneva (June 6-16, 2017) – HD

In Geneva, several hundred paintings by Sri Chinmoy have been exhibited at the Palais des Nations, United Nations Office. The event was sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in Geneva, with support from the Cultural Diplomacy and Outreach Section of the UN Office at Geneva, in collaboration with the Jharna-Kala Art Foundation.

To learn more about Sri Chinmoy, please visit: